Thursday, May 29, 2008

welcome to meeee

after constant encouragement/jabbering/threats (heheh..) here is my 1st post in blogosphere.

Yes, raymond blogs (sounds more like rants, raves, complaints; must banish negative thots).

for now it'll pretty much consist of musings, book/anime/show/movie reviews, hyperlinks to interesting articles/videos/etc online junk, opinion pieces, etc etc....u get the picture.

language of choice will largely be in english (dunno esperanto), occasionally in nihon-go and bm, and perhaps a lil sabah-style speak thrown in as well (sia dari sabah bah! undio noh sia ^_^).

looks like fun; will try to update frequently to keep my non-existent fans happy..

agirato neh, minna-san...

ojisan (aka d ol man @ ray @ raymond @ men men @ amen @ bro)




Radin Hairi said...

wow! ray ade blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMg Raymond. FINALLY!! Welcome dude! Selamat memblogging, blogger!

^__^ Jangan addicted nak tulis post setiap hari sudah la kan *but i can sense that you will..

ha and ha...


emiazus machine said...

yeyeeyey...finally u got ur own blog.....yeyeeyey!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy CRAP!

Welcome to cyberspace uncle..


don't update 3 kali then died off ah..

ray said...

hahaha, tq for d encouragement (& threats ppl)...aku kn usaha kn so i x dissapoint kn u all :)

Prettybeefy said...


best nyer raymond ader blog... mesti informative...

can't wait to see update about lhis leng lui...


chiow bello...

Anonymous said...

yoyo uncle it's about time!!! i startd using blogger in 2001 u make me feel so old. goodness. ok keep in touch via blogs n email! keep writing! both i mean, hehe